Thursday, March 2, 2017

Write will never go wrong!

Hello there, 

Its been only couple of days that I started blogging but its bringing back to me so many fond memories. So, today, thought of sharing few things that I wrote about in the past and it kind of stayed with me forever. And the best part is after effects and laughter that came along with every experience.

1. Novelist in me came alive when I was bed ridden due to a ligament tear. To kill my boredom, I ended up writing 20 page long imaginary story :P. No, I wasn't crazy but just high on painkillers. 

After effect : Reading this 20 page long story to my friend is what stays with me forever. The laughter, teases, embarrassment that  followed the narration was simply priceless :)

2. Almost 9 years ago, I started dating this not so expressive, angry young man. Being a short tempered and sensitive person myself, I did not want to lose my cool and regret it later as most of the times I was the one being silly or over reacting. So I jotted down all my complaints in a book. The book only had curses, disagreements and nagging statements. 

After effect : Over the time we were in a long distance relationship sorts of arrangement. Before moving out of the city, I handed the book to him to read and have a good laugh at how silly I was .(Imagine someone getting to read a book full of  complaints about oneself)  I am not too sure how he felt about it till date. Few things are best if kept unknown.......or hell with it, I will ask my husband today how he felt 9 years ago. Yes, we are married now and nothing can be a secret anymore :P

3. I used to get these scary  dreams during the most stressed out period of my life. these dreams lead me into buying a book on dreams to understand what dreams mean. In this book I learnt how it will be useful if we jot down our dreams , first thing in the morning. Guess I took it too seriously and jotted down a small book full of dreams.

After effect : No matter how many times I read it, it doesn't make any sense to me. But awestruck about the  world we enter  in our sleep. Its crazy, complex, impractical . Yet feels so real.

These are few of many times I decided to write. Till date I have always enjoyed it every single time and it just occurred to me that every time I actually 'Wrote' in a book. No typing or editing involved like blogging. Yet, 'Writing never went wrong' literally or metaphorically :)


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